-----Original Message----- From: Culture Jammers Network [mailto:•••@••.•••] Sent: Monday, March 13, 2000 7:28 PM Subject: TV Turnoff Week ********************************* TV TURNOFF WEEK April 22 - 28 ********************************* Hi fellow jammers, A handful of megacorporations now control most of the global information flows and routinely censor opinions that challenge their interests and profitability. What are we going to do about it? TV Turnoff Week, April 22-28 is a start. Millions of people leaving their screens blank for a week is a powerful gesture of consumer sovereignty and will lead to bigger things down the road. If you are planning an action on your campus, high school or workplace, check out http://www.adbusters.org. You can get some ideas there and download b&w and color versions of the poster below. Check out the new 30-second TV Turnoff "Uncommercial." It's a potent little mindbomb and 60 public access stations have already agreed to air it. If you can secure airtime in your area, we'll send a broadcast copy for free! Email your address to •••@••.••• (specify VHS, 3/4", or BETA) We've raised $3,500 to air the spot twice on CNN Headline News. Let's try to air it eight more times during the week leading up to April 22. Each timeslot costs $1,750. To contribute to this fund, please contact Allan MacDonald at 604-737-2583 or •••@••.•••. For more specific information, contact Campaigns Manager Tom Liacas at •••@••.•••. For quick delivery of broadcast videos or for media interviews, please call the TV Turnoff Hotline 1-800-663-1243. Happy jamming. Cheers from the staff & volunteers at Adbusters If you want to remove yourself from Adbusters' Culture Jammers Network at any time, reply to this message with 'unsubscribe' in the subject header. Content-Type: image/gif; name="TV2000.gif" GIF89a,Ä