Bcc: sources Dear cj & rn, Here are a few items, from the Bush & Gore camps. Comments at end. rkm ============================================================================ Date: 24 Nov 2000 14:16:27 -0000 From: "consortiumnews.com" <•••@••.•••> Delivered-To: mailing list •••@••.••• Subject: [news] Mob Rule Wins for W consortiumnews.com - http://www.consortiumnews.com A premeditated mob assault on the Dade County election board appears to have guaranteed Texas Gov. George W. Bush's ascension to the presidency. New evidence shows that Miami Republicans, working with Cuban-American extremists, organized the storming of the Dade County offices on Wednesday, an action that intimidated the election board into canceling the crucial recount of 10,750 disputed ballots. That decision virtually assures that Vice President Al Gore's gains in Broward and Palm Beach counties will fall short of overtaking Bush's 930-vote lead. That, in turn, means Bush likely will be declared the victor on Sunday night and pressure will build on Gore to concede. The full story about the victory of the strong-armed tactics can be found at Consortiumnews.com at http://www.consortiumnews.com ============================================================================ Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 22:23:11 To: •••@••.••• From: Roslyn Bologh Subject: The News Media: On the Road to Fascism ---<snip>--- NY Daily News Lead Editorial Sunday, November 26, 2000 Rule Out Mob Rule What has happened so far in the dizzying swirl of events in Florida, by and large, has not been a constitutional crisis. It has been a political drama. And a wonderful drama at that, rather like the photo finish of a great race with incredible stakes. But if there is a constitutional crisis in the making, it is what was portended by the rioting that took place in Miami-Dade County, when a group of Republicans - inspired by the Republican Party, collected by the Republican Party and bused to the site by the Republican Party - not only demonstrated on the street, but entered the building where ballots were being counted. There, by dint of yelling and screaming and brandishing of fists, they intimidated the county canvassing board into abandoning the hand recount it had been conducting. As Joseph Lieberman correctly put it, that is not the rule of law, it is the rule of the mob. And once you use those kinds of extra-legal means to begin to intimidate the legal electoral process, you are on a slippery slope towards a constitutional crisis. Even if it doesn't show up that way, even if a lot of people are not aware of it or choose to overlook it, this begins to give sanction to the use of extra-legal means to pressure the lawful political process. This is what has undermined democracy in other countries. ---<snip>--- ============================================================================ From: •••@••.••• Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2000 15:21:26 EST Subject: Gore's Contract Against America To: •••@••.•••, •••@••.••• MIME-Version: 1.0 Gore's Contract Against America By Michael Savage http://www.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2000/11/20/95301.shtml 11-20-00 It's not about Al Goreleone, head of the Goreleone Crime Syndicate. It's about his agenda. Here is what we can anticipate from the stolen presidency. 1. Homosexuals in the military and homosexual marriage 2. Affirmative Action - it's unconstitutional. The Fairness for Dummies Act 3. Reparations for non-slaves by non-slaveholders 4. Hate crimes laws aimed at straight, white males 5. Racial profiling laws, aimed at straight, white police 6. A U.N. tax or world tax 7. Free prescription drugs not only for the elderly but also for AIDS patients 8. De-legitimizing the Boy Scouts, or The Fairness to Predators Act 9. Outlawing home schooling, or The Freedom From Learning Act 10. Arrest/ban or rewrite the authentic Bible as a hate book 11. Mandatory application of Ritalin to any child with spunk, or The Security for Children Act 12. Complete elimination of borders with Mexico, or The Fairness to Latinos Act 13. Partial-birth abortion and the sale of baby body parts or infanticide, or The Senior Citizen Life Extension Act 14. Increased license for Hollywood's violence and pornography, or The Freedom of Arts Act 15. Socialized medicine and a national health plan, or The Freedom From Bad Behavior Act 16. The No Limits on Lawsuits Act 17. Mandatory Suicide for sick seniors, or The Saving Social Security Act 18. The Fairness in Talk Radio Act, i.e., the end of talk radio 19. The end of the Electoral College and the congressional redistricting of America to insure that never again will the demon-cats be threatened, or The One Dunce, One Vote Act 20. The complete seizing of all guns, or The Freedom From the Second Amendment Act 21. The abolition of our existing Constitution or The Freedom From Freedom Act Michael Savage broadcasts the fastest-growing syndicated political radio talk show in the United States. He is the founder of The Paul Revere Society. ============================================================================ From: •••@••.••• Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2000 11:05:27 EST Subject: US Civil War Looming? To: •••@••.•••, •••@••.••• MIME-Version: 1.0 US Civil War Looming? From Jan Lamprecht <•••@••.•••> 11-23-00 To All Americans, As I watch the ebb and flow of events in your country, I sometimes see things rise to new levels. Yesterday, as I was browsing various web sites, and following the news I started feeling that the situation in your country is moving more towards the danger-point. I received an e-mail from the American Patriot Friends Network which is trying to rally folks together. Their message was that Clinton's attempt to remain in office for a Third Term must be opposed at all costs. You folks have rules, and Clinton is continually breaking and circumventing them and playing with your minds - feeding you a lot of legalistic nonsense. Maybe this is the place to draw the line. I am not one given to a lot of emotion about democratic rights, voting and all. But there is one advantage which democracy has over other forms of Government. It is this: If democracy is practised honestly, fairly and in the spirit of sportsmanship (let the best man win), then a CIVIL WAR can *NEVER* occur. Think about that. If the will of the majority is expressed, then the majority will be content with whoever they elected - even if they elected an idiot. There can never be an uprising against such a Government. BUT, the opposite is also true. If democracy is subverted, and voting fraud predominates then the people are powerless, and this can lead to a violent uprising. Clinton+Gore are pushing you folks towards that. The big question is: How far, and how hard is Clinton willing to push you? Does he have the will to push you over the edge? Does he maybe even WANT you to go over the edge so that he can attempt to use force against you to suppress you? ---<snip>--- ============================================================================ rkm: These postings cofirm for me that the intended outcome of the fracas is increased divisiveness. The fracas was a joint-venture production of hypocrite candidates and the media. Notice that neither side, above, has anything to say about their own man. Instead each is motivated by its dread of the other guy. We get a situation like the couple who had their controls mixed up on the electric blanket... He kept turning 'his' control down, but kept getting hotter; she kept turning 'hers' up, but kept getting colder. Each thought they were acting to alleviate the situation, but each was making it worse. So Republicans vote for corporate rule in order to avoid liberals, and Democrats vote for corporate rule in order to avoid conservatives. They both get more of what they fear, but feel they've turned the proper control to fix things. All assisted by the media. We have two lying mass medias. Television for the liberals, talk-shows and pulpits for the conservatives. rkm