============================================================================ A GUIDEBOOK: HOW THE WORLD WORKS AND HOW WE CAN CHANGE IT (C) 2000, Richard K. Moore http://cyberjournal.org Chapter 1: How does the world work today, and where is it headed? a. Globalization and the West: a covert coup d'etat b. Globalization and the third world: empire by another name c. Kultur-kampf: enforcing the New World Order d. Economic globalization: Robber Barons writ large e. Decoding propaganda: matrix vs. reality f. Capitalism's growth imperative and societal engineering ===> g. Elite rule and the Dark Millennium ---------------------------------------------------- 1.g. Elite rule and the Dark Millennium "Because it is destructive of life and spirit, the capitalist economy must be considered a social pathology. Even its apparent capacity to create vast wealth is largely illusory, because though it is producing ever more sophisticated gadgets and diversions, it is destroying the life support systems of the planet and the social fabric of society. It is therefore destroying our most important wealth. Its institutions function as cancers that forget they are part of a larger whole and seek their own unlimited growth without regard to the consequences." - David Korten, 2nd Annual Feasta Lecture, Dublin, 2000. Permit me to summarize the perspective that has been developed so far: * Capitalism is a parasite on market economies which greatly reduces their social benefit. It functions by injecting a growth imperative into those economies, compelling them to provide investment opportunities so that wealthy investors and banks can accumulate monetary wealth. The growth imperative, since it came into existence, has been the root cause of imperialism and of warfare among Western nations. * Capitalist elites engage in a continual project of social engineering, so as to create ever more opportunities for capital growth. Globalization amounts to a global coup d'etat by these elites, and the establishment of a centralized global regime. Essential sovereignty is being handed over to an elite-controlled bureaucracy whose sole agenda is the promotion of capital growth. * All societies are suffering from accelerated exploitation, but the third world suffers most. The militaries of the West - under the guise of 'humanitarianism' - have been harnessed to the task of compelling third-world compliance with the diktats of the regime. * The nature of capitalism - and the existence of the global elite, their regime, and the coup itself - are concealed from the public by means of sophisticated Big-Lie propaganda. This propaganda is designed and distributed by an increasingly centralized global corporate media, and it projects a matrix reality which is quite different from the real world. The essential function of the mass media is to act as an advertising agency for capitalism, and to create support for whatever policies the elite regime decides are necessary to promote capital growth. Armed with this perspective, there is a great deal we can tell about what elite planners have in mind, and where globalization is likely to take us. We know, for example, that they must continually create new opportunities for development projects and investments. We can see the institutional structure of their regime, and we know how they intend to enforce its authority in the third world. We can observe government initiatives as they come along, and determine their actual motivation by noticing how they serve elite interests. By paying attention to the media's matrix reality - and especially shifts in that reality - we can figure out what new policies and actions are being signaled. Let's consider a few examples. Denigration of government ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ When the Reagan-Thatcher revolution came along, the media began for the first time to present the institution of government in an unfavorable light. "Government is the problem" is something many of us already believed, but we had never before gotten support from the media. This shift suggested the following question: "Why do elites want us to distrust government?" Part of the answer could be seen in the actions of Reagan and Thatcher, as they dismantled government programs and handed national assets over to corporations. But that's not a complete answer, because in previous laissez-faire eras denigration of government by the elite press was not part of the scenario. The anti-government shift in the matrix in fact signaled a much broader attack on national sovereignty, leading ultimately to the WTO regime itself. Civil rights and police states ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In the postwar era, which lasted until the end of the 1960s, the matrix view of Western society was characterized by the 'rule of laws not men'. People in a democracy were expected to obey laws voluntarily, and police especially were expected to treat the law with the greatest respect. The matrix showed us Old-West marshals and big-city cops who were always honest and straightforward people, in contrast to devious, conniving criminals. Respect for law was supreme, and the Bill of Rights was especially revered, in rhetoric if not in practice, as the ultimate symbol of the 'rule of laws not men'. All this changed with the release in the early 1970s of the Clint Eastwood blockbuster, "Dirty Harry." In that film "Harry" is a cop who is being hamstrung in his efforts to apprehend an especially repugnant criminal - one who buries young girls in the ground and lets them suffocate. Harry's superiors put all kind of constraints on him, out of an exaggerated concern for 'rules' and the 'constitutional rights' of the criminal. The heroic Harry risks his career and his life by defying his misguided superiors and apprehending the bad guy. Since that time, a very similar scenario has been played out in hundreds of films and television series. Always the perpetrator is utterly reprehensible; always it is necessary to 'bend the rules' in order to bring him to justice; and the law-enforcement officials - though they have become as devious as the criminals they pursue - are always deeply noble in their hearts. This matrix propaganda has created in the population an exaggerated fear of crime, an acceptance of heavy-handed policing, and a general feeling that 'rights' are a joke. Instead of the 'rule of law', we now have a no-holds-barred war between conniving criminals and conniving cops. The Bill of Rights, instead of being revered, is blamed for hampering the apprehension of criminals. It is not difficult to understand the real-world reason behind this shift in the matrix - if we consider the realities of globalization. Just as increased interventionism will be necessary to compel third-world compliance with the global regime, so will heavy-handed policing be necessary to contain civil unrest in the West. Globalization's ravages hit minority communities first, and in such communities the police presence increasingly resembles that of an occupying army. In Seattle we saw the emergence of a broad-based, non-violent, anti-globalization movement, and this was met by a level of police violence that would have been totally unacceptable in the 1960s. But in 1999 the public shrugged off the police excesses, and this is what the "Dirty Harry" shift in the matrix was all about. The African Holocaust ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In the 1800s, in America and Australia, an open policy of genocide was adopted to clear out the native populations and make room for national expansion and capital growth. Some natives were massacred outright, by military units and settlers alike, while others were moved to inhospitable reservations where their numbers declined further from disease, malnutrition, and subsequent massacres. The natives were considered subhuman, and overt racism contributed to the intensity of the genocide. As recently as the 1950s Hollywood was still turning out "Cowboy and Indian" films in which "The only good Injun is a dead Injun" was a common epithet. Sub-Saharan Africa has today become a similar scene of mass genocide, except that in this case the program is covert instead of open. Racism has gone out of style, forcing the adoption of new methods. Famine, Civil War, and AIDS are the primary horses of this apocalypse, and the matrix tells us those are due to drought, traditional tribal rivalries, and a primitive inability to follow sensible health precautions. The reality is quite different. To begin with, the best land and water sources are used by large producers to grow coffee and other export crops, leaving for local food production marginal lands with inadequate irrigation. Drought leads to famine only because the best lands and water are preempted in this way to generate capital growth for local elites and outside investors. So far, we're talking about standard imperialism, as it has been experienced in third world countries for centuries. One might recall the Irish Potato Famine, during which tons of food were being exported daily from Dublin and Cork. Under globalization, Africa has been subjected to new and different assaults which together add up to a systematic pattern of intentional genocide, presumably aimed at turning Africa into a new arena for intensive development. Part of the story is told by Michel Chossudovsky, in "The Globalization of Poverty - Impacts of IMF and World Bank Reforms." He shows how IMF "structural adjustment" programs and international cartels have been used to ruin African economies - removing local produce from international markets, and creating markets for food imports. These assaults have been a major and direct cause of poverty, famine, social dislocation, and civil war. Another part of the story involves the CIA, U.S.-run paramilitary training programs, and a plentiful supply of weapons on sale to all sides by eager Western arms exporters. To track down the details of that story, one might begin with William Blum's "Killing Hope, U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II" and the magazine, "Covert Action Quarterly." Needless to say, the covert stirring up of conflicts is made much easier against a backdrop of wrecked economies and social breakdown. In classic military terms, one can see the IMF playing the role of advance artillery, and the CIA and military advisors following up with a ground assault - with genocide being the battle objective. The IMF has proclaimed that $3 per year per person shall be the total budget for health care in Sub-Saharan Africa. At the same time, the U.S. and the WTO are aggressively enforcing WTO rulings which force African countries to buy expensive proprietary drugs instead of cheaper equivalent drugs from other sources. These two intentional actions by agents of the elite regime create an extremely dangerous health situation in Africa. Without adequate training, drugs, or hypodermic needles, health clinics become a spreader of AIDS and other infectious diseases - and AIDS is already spreading very rapidly. President Clinton cries crocodile tears on television over the AIDS crisis, and urges Africans to educate themselves in preventative measures - but he does not offer meaningful public-health assistance. Meanwhile the media reports little or nothing about the actions of the U.S. government, the IMF, and the WTO, which contribute substantially to the spread of the disease, and to the overall agenda of genocide. The Dark Millennium ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If the world continues on the course planned by the elite regime, we will be entering a new era, an era reminiscent of the medieval Dark Ages. Politically, we are returning to absolute tyranny under an elite, centralized regime - every bit as brutal and autocratic as the monarchs and Popes of the medieval period. Instead of a powerful Church and sacraments, we have a sophisticated media matrix - with the same ability to control people's minds and persuade them to accept their fate. One of the major differences between the medieval period and globalization's Dark Millennium has to do with economics - the medieval period enjoyed a more or less sustainable and market-based economy, and in it there was a place for everyone. ---------------------------------------------------- Recommended viewing. Cinema: "The Matrix", "Blade Runner", "Rollerball". Television: "Law and Order", "The Practice". ============================================================================