Friends, The Guidebook and 'Envisioning a successful movement' seem to be striking some chords out there. Thanks to all of you who have been contributing and critiquing as this material has been developing, and thanks to those who sent in these recent responses. enjoy, rkm ============================================================================ Delivered-To: moderator for •••@••.••• Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2000 20:56:52 -0600 From: Orrin5800 Williams <•••@••.•••> Organization: AIDS Research Alliance-Chicago To: •••@••.••• Subject: Re: cj#1167,rn,sm> ENVISIONING A SUCCESSFUL MOVEMENT The conceptual and actual framework which is laid out here is as articulate as I could have imagined. As a person of African descent in the United States and as an activist working in many forums for over thirty years I have been an advocate of a vision similar to the one expresssed here. "Harmonization" must occur and a strategy very much like laid out here must be designed, organized and proliferated with the underpinnings rooted in the wisdom of the multiverse and the desire and intention of acting and living in a profoundly sustainable interconnected and cooperative "way". Thank you for your profound and creative contributions, you have joined the ranks of those few truly creative thinkers that have crossed my path (though only electronically). May our work and visison contribute to the emergence of new creative and positive MOVEMENT> Orrin Williams Center for Urban Transformation Chicago, IL ============================================================================ From: "Ken Ka`imi Stokes" <•••@••.•••> To: •••@••.••• Subject: Re: * DRAFT FRAMEWORK FOR MOVEMENT SUCCESS* Date: Sun, 17 Dec 2000 06:44:07 -1000 Sender: •••@••.••• Aloha from the taro roots of tiny Kaua`i! When we hear folks way up there talking about building a movement from way down here... we can only cheer! Maika`i (outstanding)! This thread is particularly exciting because it mimics similar discussions now cropping up in various global fora... mebbe we could at least help guide these strategizing efforts toward each other... We share the view that networking is our principal task, and our service is geared to empower community intiative across the spectrum of cultural and ecological challenges in each watershed/ahupua`a. Any communication that helps us feel more connected globally is a plus. Any centripetal force that helps us tune our effectiveness is a bonus. Anything we're doing that others find helpful is a blessing. Ken Ka`imi Stokes Ho`okipa Network of Kauaian CBOs aka "virtual taro patch on Kaua`i" <> 808/821-CBOS ============================================================================ Delivered-To: •••@••.••• From: "Brian Jenkins" <•••@••.•••> To: <•••@••.•••> Subject: Seeds of Change Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 01:00:41 +0800 Dear Richard, Thanks for your 'guidebook' work (info received via David Creighton). I have circulated it to local contacts. My group StopMAI (Western Australia) has long espoused a belief that only a united front of civil society can overcome the power of corporate globalism. (What happens next is a separate problem, however perplexing.) We have thus come under fire from Marxist 'class-struggle' theorists who want to exclude centrist and so-called right-wing citizens from relevant actions and information-sharing. This approach seems valid only if we ignore the fact that all shades of politics have made themselves part of the problem by placing material values ahead of moral, social and ecological considerations. Your draft statements about inclusivism and 'the seeds of change' are thus very encouraging to us. Kind regards Brian Jenkins ============================================================================ Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2000 13:14:50 -0500 From: david creighton <•••@••.•••> CC: "Richard K. Moore" <•••@••.•••> Subject: Envisioning a successful movement Seasons Greetings to fellow CAPers, CofCs, Greens, OPIRGS, red tories, pro-democracy radical centrists, friends and family members, Apologies if you have already received Richard K. Moore's unfolding sketches for guidebook, chapter 3. If you have not, and like what you read below, you can read more by clicking his website. I am grateful that Richard can so eloquently pen the words that are forming in so many minds all at once; obviously a well-nourished communicator. May this food for thought fortify you for the coming festive celebrations. Best wishes, David Creighton ============================================================================ From: morgan <•••@••.•••> To: •••@••.••• Cc: •••@••.••• Subject: Re: cj#1168,rn> Now online: "Escapar de la Matriz" Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 10:41:02 +0000 Great news, Richard! I'll pass it on to my list today. Thanks indeed to Ricardo Avila! Peace and good health to you all, morgan ============================================================================ From: "Samantha Sanderson" <•••@••.•••> To: <•••@••.•••> Subject: Connecting Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2000 10:35:12 -0800 Have just encountered your website. Envisioning a Successful Movement was forwarded to me by a friend. It sounds very consistent with my own thinking and I am delighted to make the connection. My human liberation work is primarily with Re-evaluation Couseling, a worldwide project based on a theory and practice for reclaiming our full intelligence through emotional healing. I will be cheering the CDR on and interested in seeing it evolve. Samantha Sanderson Each blade of grass has its own angel which bends over it and whispers "grow, grow". - The Talmud ============================================================================ Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2000 15:14:19 -0400 Subject: Re: cj#1167,rn,sm> ENVISIONING A SUCCESSFUL MOVEMENT From: "Bill Ellis" <•••@••.•••> To: •••@••.•••, •••@••.••• CC: "activ-l" <•••@••.•••> Richard, I've read this portion of "Envisioning A Sucessful Movement" with contining interest. I was particularly taken with your recognition that this is a unique transformation in history, not just another minor shift. I developed somewhat the same thesis that is outlined in my chapter in "Creating Learning Communities." I differ on a minor point. It seems to me that most cultures evolved on a reciprocity basis of respect for the earth and recognition of humanity's interdependence. Only the EuroAmerican culture grew the "Dominator Paradigm." I started with the Jewish Adam and Eve story that the Earth was made for the use of Man. Amplified by the Greed's "Man is the measure of sll things." Made doctrin by The Mideaval Church. Spread by the Age of Discovery. Rooted in the capitalistic theory the self-interest will be lead by an unseen hand to provide the best for all. So the roots of this particular evil is nearet 5000 years than 12,000. And we have the model of many other cultures that were and are more in keepting with the "Gaian Paradigm" that is emerging from chaos, complexity and Gaian theories. And is close to the future you envision. I may a bit more disturbed by you "Strategy" and "Tectics" sections that remain more on the themes of "language" and "dialog" than real action. IMHO the cells that will join to form the new cultural system are already evident. LETS, ESOPs, CLTs,CSAs, Homesteading, EcoVillages, Homeschooling, CoHousing, Holistic Health, Credit Unions, Farmers' Markets, and a host of other grassroots social innovations are emerging. IMHO the strtategies and tactics should be more action oriented. How do we create more social cells? How do we link them together? How do we unify the diverse actions? How do we help them self-organzie into a new sustainable culture? What do we DO? Perhaps I'm premature. For the interim, I have personally chosen to help create a radically different learning system as the foundation for a radically different culture. My 25+ years of working within the movement(s) have been a bit frustrating. Too many people complain and critique the Domintor System and, as you point out, work on creating bits and pieces of a new system. But I'm still to see a strtategy of action that will help integrate all the good things that are happening. I look forward to your future work. Bill Ellis ============================================================================ From: •••@••.••• Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 20:02:30 -0500 (EST) To: "Richard K. Moore" <•••@••.•••> cc: World Systems Network <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: * DRAFT FRAMEWORK FOR MOVEMENT SUCCESS * Sender: •••@••.••• Dear Richard and List, I applaud Richard's FRAMEWORK as a start in what could become the right direction, although I disagree with many of his specific points. I especially applaud his correct spelling of the venerable name of Gandhi, hitherto spelled in all recent postings as "Ghandi." It's only six letters, folks. Let's get it right! My principal problem with his strategy is its over-reliance on spontaneous local initiatives. One would wish for such initiatives, one would wish that they would coordinate their efforts, one would wish they could all see the Big Picture. I don't think history gives us much encouragement for thinking this can happen. There need to be centripetal forces at work here that can actively strive for harmonization, coordination, and dissemination of the Big Picture. My idea of a World Party is my contribution to this debate, but I would be happy to see the emergence of more than one World Party, under various names, originating in various sites. When Richard speaks of "the movement" and refers to it as "it," I think his use of the singular number is an instinctive acknowledgment of the need for central, as well as divergent local, initiatives. There can be more than one, but none is not enough. ---<snip>--- ============================================================================