Thank you Jan for a heartwarming and inspiring report... rkm (Note: Our ongoing dialog thread will continue shortly). ============================================================================ Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2001 13:56:46 -0300 To: •••@••.••• From: •••@••.••• (Jan Slakov) Subject: rn: Jan's (preliminary) Quebec report Dear Renaissance Network, I remember once reading a line, something about how when the student is ready, the teacher appears. Well, I feel like the Quebec summit was just the "teacher" I was ready for! I know I was not the only one who went there not really knowing what kind of role we could play that would be useful, because early Saturday morning I met up with a couple people who had just gotten off the train, having come for the protest, and they said they weren't sure what they were doing there... I said I thought that was a great starting point. It means leaving yourself open to find out what would be the most useful thing you could do. Me, I wake up early all the time. And go for a walk. So, for each of the three mornings I was there, I went up to the "périmètre de la sécurité" (the fence around the part of old Quebec where the summit was held. The first day I saw this guy in army fatigues standing there, probably facing a pretty monotonous day of standing there; and a great way to break the monotony came to me: I went up and said: " Vous feriez bien attention de ne pas laisser sortir les criminels de là-dedans, hien?" (You'll make good and sure not to let the criminals in there get out, eh?) and he got the joke! Later I tried the same line on a group of guys in uniform and one of them assured me, with a big grin, "c'est promis!" (It's a promise!) By the second day I realized this was something of a useful "role" for me: I was consciously going around creating dialogue, a lot with these guys in uniform, but also with others. I was delighted when one RCMP officer wondered why people were so upset about free trade (really corporate globalization) and gave me a great chance to explain! There were a couple words I was unsure of in French and a nearby policeman (or whatever he was) helped me out...:) The RCMP officer hadn't known about the MMT case, which I gave as an example of how governments were giving up their rights to act on behalf of the public interest (and no wonder, I said, they get huge sums from corporations to fuel their political ambitions; they do not represent us; they reprsesent corporations). He said, though, that he was sure many of the others who were there protesting wouldn't have that much of an understanding about what they were upset about and I agreed he had a point but that there was nothing like a big event like this to help those of us who are trying to share our understanding with others. ********************************************************** Later that day was the big march. I was part of a group going under the banner of "Enviro-Clare", all 7 of us from Nova Scotia but not all of us really members of Enviro-Clare (the group which I am currently president of). We had more signs than people so I gave one sign ("Are we your enemies?") away. We may have been a very small group, but given all the help we had had, we really represented many more people, I would say. Everyone from the people who had donated money because they wanted to "be with" us the best they could to the local resident who gave me poles and nails so we could carry our banner aloft. Then Carolyn Langdon, also an executive member of the Canadian Voice of Women for Peace group recognized me. (Carolyn's the one who sent me that great interview with Joanna Macy, the "Great Turning" piece I sent out on MArch 31.) She said she was part of a pagan group called the Living River and invited us to join. Their role, it seemed, was mainly to try to bring a healthy nonviolent energy to the march, especially to points of conflict, so she let us know they might head up to the confrontations at the fence and that we might not want to go with the group at that point, depending on how we felt... Since one young woman in our group had just been saying that it was so important to her that she learn to oppose the violence of corporate globalization without falling into the trap of using essentially their type of energy, this seemed like the perfect fut for us. We joined in. Later we learned that this Living River (about 20 people, I would say, from all aver North America) included Starhawk! That was really an honour for me. Three of our seven people broke off from this group quite quickly, when they saw how much standing around we were doing. :) As for me, I'm not exactly into standing around either, but I came to see how this kind of "standing around", not rushing, worked out just right for us, in this case at least. The group would take time to centre themselves with chant songs and prayerful voicings. Some of it seemed a bit foreign to me, but I went along as best I could... and later I was even trying to share what I had leaned with other non-initiates. Decision-making was fascinating. At one point the parade forked. It was time for us to decide if we were going along the pre-planned parade route (which would avoid the fence and the tear gas) or if we would head up the stairs to the "summit" (for the summmit was held on top of a very steep hill). The group found a space in the emptied street to dance and reach consensus. At one point someone announced that we would keep up this ritual until we reached clarity on where we were going: along the pre-planned route, up the hill or somewhere else entirely! The leading voice announced this and the others repeated it. I found this absolutely delightful. There was also the possibility that the group would split into two, for some people were very clear they did not want to be tear-gassed and yet I think others felt there would not be much point to them being there unless they went to where the action was. Finally, and by then the huge length of the parade had passed and the police were re-opening the street, our group was ready to move... up the hill. Someone had a radio and had reported that part of the fence was down and the security forces were now into liberalization of tear gas! We met people as we headed up whose faces were bloated and red, we asked someone and she said the air was unbreatable just up ahead. We danced some more. Eventually we pressed on. By then the air up higher was not so bad. A bit further yet and then we found the group had headed into a small street which dead-ended into the fence. The fence was down up there and in that break were many security guys behind a wall of riot gear. I saw what was happening and felt that it was time for me to press up closer (even though I had not bothered to bring any protection from tear gas; I had been too preoccupied with our signs and stuff). I figured I had experience "connecting" with these security guys after my morning walks :)! But then someone announced that they had given us one warning and they were going to shoot the tear gas at us. They had their guns aimed at us. A call of "shame" went out and I joined in. One of the pagan women shushed me. The security guys didn't shoot. My heart was pounding but it wans beginning to calm down. Eventually one of the pagans instructed us to sit down. By then I was so happy and relieved! I looked as best I could into the eyes of the couple of security guys I could see and waved happily and gave them a huge smile. And we sat there quite a while. Some nut threw something over us at the police. Many of us turned and shouted our outrage but a pagan shushed me again. I was beginning to see that I felt almost a sense of protectiveness towards these guys who had trusted us enough not to lash out with their gas. (I think the thing the person threw was a paint bomb, white paint.) While we were there the security guys started moving and it looked worrisome. Now I realize they were just "changing guard"; next time I'll know that these movements are not necessarily to be interpreted as bad signs. Eventually one of the pagans voiced an intent to get up and leave. I said first let's clap, and we did! (I hope some of the security guys had a hard time suppressing their desire to join in.) The pagan group slowly (and I understand well now, how important it is to move slowly in situations like this) moved out. I moved the other way, up to the security guys to thank them. New people came in, one dressed in black. I knew the people most likely to get into violent confrontation wore black and wondered if he waas one so I asked him. (We were right next to the security line.) He was from the States, and wearing black to symbolize that all borders (eg. political) are not to be recognized, a kind of oneness. And he reassured me that he was peaceful and I could tell he was. I was really tired and started heading back down that dead end. But very slowly. People were singing the same chant the pagans had been singing: "Gardez, gardez, garde la vision pour la naissance" "Hold on, hold on, hold the vision until it's born". But one woman was singing "gone" instad of "born" and I smiled the correction to her and she was grateful. People photographed the Alice Walker poem I had on my front placard: We Alone We alone can influence the price of gold By not caring if it falls or rises In the market place. Wherever there is gold, There is a chain, you know. And if your chain is gold, So much the worse for you. Feathers, shells and sea-shaped stones Are all as rare. This could be our revolution - To love what's plentiful As much as what is scarce! It was actually quite a while before we left. The pagan group was dancing, I think celebrating, in the main street just below, and new people were coming up into that dark dead end to be in what had become almost a cathedral of peace. Eventually this guy with a megaphone announced that the police were going to advance, that we could stay there in lockdown or move on. By then I was already just out of the dead end for I needed to move on and I was with others, including two young women, one whose parents had asked me to look out for her. We headed out. Still slowly though and we never did see the police charge down that dead end.... (I have since talked to many others and I realize now that we were extremely lucky, really, for many, MANY completely nonviolent protesters were tear-gased. Some in our group, including a woman in her 60s, had all exits blocked and were gased! (The youngest in the group, an 18-year-old asthmatic, grabbed the hands of the other two and headed down this embankment, sliding on their bums...) And the pagan group went on, I gather, and eventually they got gased too, right as they were dancing...:( (Some of their group were really not in a state where they felt ok about getting tear-gassed. I hope they were ok.) I have more I'd like to say but I need to get going now so will leave off here. I know others on this list were there (or at least with us in spirit). Perhaps you can send us in reports and we can weave them into postings. Loving best wishes to all, Jan ============================================================================