Bcc: contributors. ============================================================================ From: "Lisa Rutherford" <•••@••.•••> To: <•••@••.•••> Subject: Question Date: Mon, 9 Apr 2001 18:39:05 -0400 Dear Richard, I'm new to all of this and happened to get on your mailing list by chance. Could you please explain to me what this "movement" is about, how you became involved, what your academic credentials are, etc. I myself am concerned about the state of the environment, politics, etc., which doesn't really set me apart from the other people on your mailing list. Nonetheless, I would appreciate it if you could fill me in as to what your cause is, where you are from for that matter, what kind of exemplary life you lead, and how writers such as myself can take inspiration from what you have sparked in others. Regards, Lisa ========== Dear Lisa, Thanks for joining in. The 'movement' I refer to is the emerging global movement, whose first baby steps we have seen from Seattle to Quebec City, and from Porto Alegre to Prague. Since this is a decentralized, leaderless movement, there is not yet a clearly articulated agenda, or platform - but it is clear that 'the state of the environment & politics' are very much to the point. Sustainability and Genuine Democracy seem to be at the core of the still-emerging consensus. I have several good postings around Quebec City that I'll be posting shortly, including a very good one from Naomi Klein. I got involved well before there was an identifiable movement, when I started publishing articles arguing that we ~needed~ a movement. For example, in 1995, the article "Common Sense and the New World Order" included this paragraph: "In order to launch an effective counter-offensive, we need several ingredients: an analysis of the situation and the 'enemy', a different and better vision of the future, and a coalition strategy..." I don't believe that academic credentials are particularly relevant to the kinds of problems that face us. Certainly in specific areas, such as the details of sustainable planning, academic specialists will have a unique contribution to make. But when it comes to the ~big~ questions, like "What kind of world do we want?", and "What is a viable movement strategy for victory?", then there is no specialized field that can offer answers. We need to bring together what is known about history, social movements, economics, political science, anthropology, and much else. We need to bring people together who normally talk only among their colleagues, and we need to think at the level of overall systems. My 'preparation' in that regard was not in academia, but in the software industry working with complex systems, and many other life experiences. My 'cause' is the transformation of society, the same cause as the movement. My self-appointed 'role' is to help think through in advance the problems the movement will encounter, and to communicate whatever is learned to movement organizers and people generally. (You can't build a parachute after the plane has started going down.) My current 'state of understanding', such as it is, can be found on the website (http://cyberjournal.org) in the "Guidebook" or "Returning to our Roots". I'm living in Ireland now, but most of my life was spent in Palo Alto. 'Exemplary life', what is that about? Why should I lead an exemplary life? On a day to day basis, we have to live in whatever system exists; I have no pretensions of being 'sustainable' as an individual, nor of living 'outside' the money economy, nor of being any kind of saint. Society will become sustainable only when it is sustainable for everyone, everywhere. Meanwhile, I believe having fun, dancing, and playing music are what makes life worth living. 'how writers such as myself can take inspiration from what you have sparked in others'.... I'm not quite sure what you're getting at. Are you talking about the dialog you've been seeing on the list? I suppose the lesson there is that ordinary people (presuming the label offends no one) are interested in thinking about our root problems and have contributions to make to the solutions. My suggestion to writers in all fields, fiction and non-fiction, is that they stop conforming to the conventions of matrix reality and popular mythology, and begin trusting their readers with the truth. Thanks for the questions and stay in touch, rkm http://cyberjournal.org ============================================================================ Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 11:31:15 -0600 From: Paul Riesz <•••@••.•••> To: •••@••.•••, WSN <•••@••.•••>, Fair Trade <•••@••.•••>, •••@••.••• Subject: Chances doe reforming globalization Dear Richard: Could you explain why: On one hand you feel that I am very naive in believing that there is a chance for adopting my rather modest proposals for introducing more flexible rules for globalization and for partially harmonizing the interests of TNCs and poor people everywhere, while. On the other hand you feel confident, that your much more radical proposals for completely eliminating the hierarchical structures of our society and for resolving ALL controversial problems through harmonizing at different levels could be implemented ? Regards Paul ============ Dear Paul, A very good question, and it gets to the heart of our differing perspectives. The first part of my answer is that you don't seem to understand the dynamics of capitalism. If capitalism were simply an ~unfair~ system, where some people got a bigger share than others, then the have-nots could negotiate with the haves, as you suggest, and improve their lot. But capitalism is not simply unfair in its wealth distribution. Capitalism must - in order to operate at all - continually ~increase~ the disparity in wealth distribution. If wealthy investors only ~stay even~, then there are no growth opportunities and capitalism collapses. We've seen mini- collapses many times, and we call them depressions. Only when new growth opportunities were created, for example by starting a war, did the system start kicking over again. If we intend to constrain growth on an ongoing basis, then the collapse would be permanent - as long as we depend on capital investors to to be the engines of our economy. When we escape from that dependence, then we are no longer in a capitalist system. Market economy, yes, capitalist economy, no. We've lived through the era when capitalism could afford to share the wealth with the Northern middle classes and workers, while still growing. That was the good old days before neoliberalism. What neoliberalism / globalization is about is a recognition by the capitalist elite that their own continued growth now requires that the rest of us get by on less and less. The overall pie isn't growing any more in real terms, and our pieces must shrink so that the elite's pieces can continue to grow - and the capitalist system can continue to operate. This is not theory - Marxist or otherwise - it is a truth that we all know in our hearts. That is why nations today put their hands out to corporations and say... "Please build a factory here. We'll subsidize the construction, give you tax relief, and help keep wage demands down. We know you must maximize your profit, and we'll sell our souls and our futures in order to help you do that." The reforms you are asking for amount to a monkey wrench in the works of capitalism. You are not explicitly saying you want an end to capitalism, but you are in effect saying, "Do you mind if I put this little old harmless wrench in the middle of your gears?" You have convinced yourself that the goose could still lay golden eggs, but it couldn't, not with a wrench in its gizzard. You might want to look at Chapter 2, "Why Capitalism Needs Growth", of Richard Douthwaite's "The Growth Illusion". --- The second part of my answer is that the elite ~do~ understand all of these things, even if many of us don't. There's no way they're going to yield voluntarily to pressure that would bring the whole system to a halt. They will resist that with all means at their disposal - no matter how subtle or sneaky or well-meaning our initiatives might be. They shake their heads at our demands, not because of our boldness or our impudence, but at what they call - with considerable justice - our 'emotionalism'. They sympathize in the media, probably sincerely, with our desire for things to be fairer, and then they dutifully point out that first the goose must be nurtured, and then we can talk about divvying up the golden eggs. Where they deceive is when they encourage us to believe that ~later~ will bring opportunities for a fairer distribution. They know that can never happen, even if their ivory tower 'experts' actually believe the mythology. --- The third part of my answer is about why the movement can succeed with a comprehensive program of radical transformation. To begin with, it is a comprehensive transformation of society that is objectively needed at this ominous and unique moment in history. A few patches on the growth paradigm or the hierarchical control system - even if that were possible - would postpone only slightly our encounter with disaster. We need to move to full sustainability, and that requires a total re-orientation of our political agendas and our economic systems. This is our objective condition. If the movement does not develop a comprehensive radical agenda, then it is wasting its time and ours. Without that, it could at best succeed in monkeying around with the current system and thus bring about an economic collapse, and perhaps a totalitarian reaction. People know that intuitively. Some of us may think of 'the masses' as being ignorant, but I don't - I think most people have considerable common-sense wisdom. They see the anti-globalization protestors on TV, and they say to themselves "OK, you want to tear down the system - so what are you going to replace it with?". That's a very wise question. Interviewers ask a protestor why she's there, and get the answer "It's about turtles, I think." Presumably this was selected for broadcast over many more sensible answers, but the viewer is encouraged to believe it was a 'typical' response. The fact is that in history there have been many successful mass movements. At least, they succeeded in replacing old systems. They usually blew it after victory, but that's a different issue. For now, the issue is how they achieved victory. In every case, it has been around a very radical agenda. Things like getting rid of capitalism (Russian Revolution), getting rid of imperialism (Irish and Indian Revolutions), or getting rid of monarchs (French and American Revolutions). Even failed mass movements have been around radical agendas, such as ending imperialism. You just can't get a strong, energetic movement off the ground without radical fuel. And without a strong, energetic movement there's no way to shift the system at all. There must be an understanding that fundamental change is necessary and a credible vision of what is to replace the current regime. Mass movements happen when an avante garde comes to such an understanding, and finds a way to successfully propagate that understanding and gather others to the cause. In past movements, that 'way of propagation' has usually come in the form of an appealing ideology, and an effective centralized movement organization. The central cadre would then handle platform refinement, movement strategy, etc. In the end, the cadre would become the new elite. Out with the old boss, and in with the new boss. No wonder revolution gets such bad press. Fortunately, with our emerging movement, there is no such ideology or organization. But unfortunately, the movement has not yet found its own means of propagation or of platform convergence. Or more accurately, it does not yet ~realized~ that it already has those means in its tool kit. It hasn't yet had the 'Ah Ha' realization that its own decentralized consensus process - that it uses successfully to organize protests - can be used as its means of propagation and platform development. What I call the 'harmonization initiative' is the conscious attempt to propagate this particular 'Ah Ha', so that the movement can then get on with what needs to be done. --- Am I 'confident' that the movement will be successful? No, confident would be far too strong a word. There are many things that can go wrong, at every step of the way. But the culture being developed by the emerging movement - and that movement's tenacity - are extremely promising signs. I would claim 'informed hope', but not quite 'confidence' - not yet. I am fully confident, however, that reform does ~not~ offer a viable path to a sustainable world. "The first step is to penetrate the clouds of deceit and distortion and learn the truth about the world, then to organise and act to change it. That's never been impossible and never been easy." - Noam Chomsky best regards, rkm ============================================================================ Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2001 11:21:23 +0200 From: Richard Richardson <•••@••.•••> To: •••@••.••• CC: •••@••.•••, •••@••.•••, Jay Fenello <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: re9: Returning to the Garden, mythologies, the movement, etc. rkm> I don't think we need any new mythologies. One of the main functions served by mythologies has been to tell people what the universe is, and how we came to be in it. With what we now know about cosmology and evolution, we don't need myths to answer those questions. And for those who want to believe in a creator being, there are already more than enough myths around. I think it would be useful to distinguish among mythologies, cosmologies, broad scientific theories (like evolution), ideologies and religions, yet to realise that behind all of them is some kind of attempted understanding of human existence and the world around us. I suggest that we may know very little about cosmology and evolution, despite the current, imposed views of the scientific establishment. However, a rational, intuitive and benevolent approach to life can serve us well despite our lack of deep knowledge in these and other areas. How can a rational, intuitive and benevolent approach proceed? Diversity is characteristic of nature, so it's not necessary for everyone to agree on a common set of ideas or beliefs. Yet "Diversity is characteristic of nature", for example, is an idea that many people, I think, would share. Similarly there may be other ideas that many would share, and if the set of such (continually increasing and revised) ideas was rational, intuitively appealing and internally consistent and had an underlying benevolence for all ("benevolence for all" --another widely shared idea), then perhaps these commonly shared rational/intuitive/benevolent ideas could form the basis for a common ideology for humanity that supports the socio-economic as well as mental and spiritual liberation of human beings and the creation of a balanced, diverse, benevolent and liberatory society. Without such a shared ideological foundation for society, particularly considering the state of the world today, I see little chance for genuine social progress. Richard R. =============== Dear Richard R, Your notion of 'commonly shared rational/intuitive/ benevolent ideas' seems to be along the lines of what might be called a 'humanist' approach. It turns out that there are millions of people (fundamentalists of various stripes) actively hostile to such thinking (if it is offered as a primary life ideology), and they would never adopt it themselves. To base our movement on such an ideology would therefore be fatally divisive. Besides, you haven't made your case for an ideology being necessary or even desirable. You spent time developing the idea of what kind of ideology might be widely marketable, and that made considerable sense. But then you simply state without argument... > Without such a shared ideological foundation for society, particularly considering the state of the world today, I see little chance for genuine social progress." ~Why~ is such an ideological basis for society needed? And why would New Guinea need the same ideology as Manhattan Island? Perhaps you have observed that nations in recent history have relied on ideologies to tie them together, and you assume we need to emulate that formula. If so, I would like to suggest that ideologies are well-suited to centralized control, and that is why they've been so popular with governments and religious leaders. They've certainly been helpful in stirring up people's hatreds, and in justifying wars and interventions. In some sense, what ideologies are is a replacement for religions, as a means of social control. I agree with you when you say: > Diversity is characteristic of nature, so it's not necessary for everyone to agree on a common set of ideas or beliefs. Yet "Diversity is characteristic of nature", for example, is an idea that many people, I think, would share. Similarly there may be other ideas that many would share... As I see it, we need to welcome and cherish a diversity of beliefs in various societies, and parts of societies - and that we need to develop wide-scale agreement on how we're going to get along together, and how we're going to build sustainable societes. Thoughts? rkm btw> Evolution is ~not~ a theory; it is simply the ~observation~ that species have changed over time, as shown in the fossil records. ~Natural selection~ is a theory, and ~survival of the fittest~ is a theory, and these theories have changed considerably over the years. ============================================================================