Who was responsible for September 11?


Richard Moore

From: "Boudewijn Wegerif" <•••@••.•••>
To: <Undisclosed-Recipient
Subject: WHAT MATTERS-25: Closing the file on who was
                          responsible for the September 11 attacks
Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2001 20:52:43 +0100

WHAT MATTERS-25                       November 16, 2001
Closing the file on who was responsible for the September 11

Dear list members,

Last week I promised that I would close the file on who was
responsible for the September 11 attacks. The desk would
then be clear for posting E-letters relating to other
matters, especially money matters.

I wrote that there is no doubt in my mind that the bin Laden
Al-Q'uaeda network is responsible, along with the CIA, or at
least a very powerful group within the CIA. I still think
that, and here present the case.

Underlying the CIA complicity in the September 11 attacks is
a perceived need for a pseudo-democratic world dictatorship,
to preserve the major corporations.

The trigger for the attacks was the imminent and unstoppable
worldwide financial collapse. The attacks were a shot in the
arm to keep corporate capitalism going a little longer,
through massive armaments and other contracts, handouts and
tax rebates.


After reading scores of e-mails about 9.11 in the last few
weeks, it seems clear that the Al-Q'uaeda network was
infiltrated and allowed to plot an extreme action against
the U.S. by an enemy "inside the gates" that then took over
the action at the last minute.

The FBI has made it known that at least 11 of the hijackers
did not know they were on a suicide mission (footnote 1).
Items found among their possessions suggest they had been
preparing themselves for incarceration. One source said: "It
looks as if they expected they might be going to prison, not

And in an article No Suicide Pilots, Carol A. Valentine
presents a convincing argument that the four passenger
planes were controlled by advanced robotics and
remote-control technology, not the hijackers on board
(footnote 2).

Using "Global Hawk technology", planes can be commandeered
and controlled remotely from the ground. She cites an
International Television News article, dated April 24, 2001,
which describes how an unmanned craft was flown across the
Pacific. In the article the manager of Global Hawk in
Australia boasts, "The aircraft essentially flies itself,
right from take-off, right through to landing, and even
taxiing off the runway."

Carol Valentine is convinced that the fourth plane, which
crashed into an abandoned coal mine near Shanksville,
Pennsylvania, was "shot" down. "The first TV network reports
said exactly that: Flight 93 had been shot down by a
military jet." Despite local residents seeing a second
plane, possibly an F-16 fighter, in the area and burning
debris falling from the sky, the FBI denied that the plane
had been shot down and came up with implausible
explanations; first of their having been a bomb on board and
then of the passengers overwhelming the hijackers.

A number of lists have carried an article by U.S. Army
retired Colonel Donn de Grand Pré in which he describes how
a group of experienced civilian and military pilots agreed,
after 72 hours "of non-stop briefings and debate", that "the
extremely skilful manoeuvring of the three aircraft at near
mach speeds, each unerringly hitting their targets, was
superb." As one Air Force officer - a veteran of over 100
sorties over North Vietnam - explained, "Those birds
(commercial airliners) either had a crack fighter pilot in
the left seat, or they were being manoeuvred by remote
control." (footnote 3)

The title of the article, The Enemy is Inside the Gates,
reflects the group' s conclusion that the September 11 event
was orchestrated from inside the U.S. by an "enemy" that has
"infiltrated into the highest policy-making positions at the
Federal level, and has absolute control, not only of the
purse strings, but of the troop build-up and deployment of
our military forces, including active, reserve and National
Guard units."


Carol Valentine implies that Israel was behind the action
and quotes a September 10 front page story in The Washington
Times in which officers of the U.S. Army's School of
Advanced Military Studies (SAMS ) are quoted as saying of
the Israeli intelligence service Mossad agents that they
are, "Wildcard, ruthless and cunning" and that they have the
capability of targeting US forces and making it look like "a
Palestinian/Arab act".

"These SAMS officers are obviously interested in protecting
their country," writes Valentine, "but not all Americans
are. Some are traitors and pay allegiance to Israel. Recall
the June 8, 1967, Israeli attack on the USS Liberty, and
American complicity in the attack. During the Six Day War,
the Liberty, an American intelligence gathering ship, was
sailing in international waters. Israeli aircraft and
torpedo boats attacked it for 75 minutes. When four US
fighter jets from a nearby aircraft carrier came to protect
the Liberty, US Defense Secretary Robert McNamara ordered
the jets NOT to come to the Liberty's aid, and allowed the
Israeli attack to continue. Thirty-four Americans were
killed and 171 wounded." (footnote 4)

Valentine also cites how in 1962, US military leaders
designed a plan to conduct terrorist acts against Americans
and blame Cuba, to create popular sentiment for invasion of
that country. The plan was called Operation Northwoods and
included * plans to shoot down a CIA plane designed to
replicate a passenger flight and announce that Cuban forces
shot it down, * the creation of military casualties by
blowing up a US ship in Guantanamo Bay and blaming Cuba
("....casualty lists in the US newspapers would cause a
helpful wave of national indignation,"),  and * the
development of a terror campaign in the Miami and
Washington, DC. (footnote 5)


The first real indication of possible CIA complicity in the
September 11 attacks came on October 31 when the French
daily Le Figaro carried a story of how while in a Dubai
hospital receiving treatment for a chronic kidney infection
last July, Osama bin Laden met with a top CIA official -
presumably the Chief of Station. The story in Le Figaro ends
with an account of how when investigating the visit of the
CIA agent to bin Laden, the FBI discovered certain plans
that had been put together between the CIA and its "Islamic
friends" over the years. The paper concludes, "The meeting
in Dubai is, so it would seem, consistent with a certain
American policy."

Investigative journalist Michael C. Ruppert develops on the
theme in an article titled Bin Laden Met with the CIA in
July and Walked Away (footnote 6):

Ruppert describes how the meeting, held in bin Laden's
private suite, took place at the American hospital in Dubai
at a time when bin Laden was a wanted fugitive for the
bombings of two U.S. embassies and this year's attack on the
U.S.S. Cole. "Bin Laden was eligible for execution according
to a 2000 intelligence finding issued by President Bill
Clinton before leaving office in January. Yet on July 14th
he was allowed to leave Dubai on a private jet and there
were no Navy fighters waiting to force him down."

Ruppert lists crucial events both before and after the
September 11 suicide attacks, which have been blamed on bin
Laden, to establish CIA foreknowledge of them. The list
makes clear that the events which have taken place since
September 11 are based upon an agenda that has little to do
with the attacks and everything to do with advancing the
fortunes of U.S. and U.K. oil companies and armaments
manufacturers, with close links to the Bush family and their

Millions into billions of dollars were incidentally made on
the stock exchange by insiders with foreknowledge of the
attacks. Ruppert makes the point that the CIA and other
intelligence agencies closely monitor stock trading in real
time with highly advanced computer programmes so as to be
able "to alert national intelligence services of just such
kinds of attacks" . Yet nobody outside this circle was
alerted by the unusually big insider trading in airline and
insurance stocks pre-September 11.

There is mounting evidence that many, many people knew of
the impending attacks, from Muslim school boys in New York
to the speculators who were scared away from claiming a $2.5
million profit on put options on American Airlines and
United Airlines. Yet we are asked to believe that the CIA
and FBI knew nothing about was coming.

In his article Ruppert records several visits by George Bush
senior to the bin Laden family and royalty in Saudi Arabia
between 1998 and 2000 for the Carlyle Group, the 11th
largest arms manufacturer in the U.S. The close bond between
the CIA and Pakistan's ISI secret service at a time when the
ISI was equally closely connected to the Taliban and bin
Laden is also described.

The CIA/ISI connection is taken up more fully by Michel
Chossudovsky, Professor of Economics at the University of
Ottawa in an article, The Role of Pakistan's Military
Intelligence Agency (ISI) (footnote 7).

Chossudovsky writes that Pakistan's chief spy Lt. General
Mahmoud Ahmad "was in the US when the attacks occurred." He
arrived in the US on the 4th of September, a full week
before the attacks. He had meetings at the State Department
"after" the attacks on the WTC. But he also had "a regular
visit of consultations" with his US counterparts at the CIA
and the Pentagon during the week prior to September 11.

According to Chossudovsky, the Bush Administration
consciously took the decision in "the post September 11
consultations" with Lt. General Mahmoud Ahmad to directly
"cooperate" with Pakistan's military intelligence (ISI)
despite its links to Osama bin Laden and the Taliban and its
alleged role in the assassination of the leader of the
Northern Alliance, Commander Masood, which coincidentally
occurred two days before the terrorist attacks.

Chossudovsky gives details from an Indian intelligence
report that indicate pretty conclusively that "the
perpetrators of the September 11 attacks had links to
Pakistan's ISI, which in turn has links to agencies of the
US government. What this suggests is that key individuals
within the US military-intelligence establishment might have
known about the ISI contacts with the September 11 terrorist
"ring-leader" Mohamed Atta and failed to act."

Chussodovsky concludes, "Whether this amounts to the
outright complicity of the Bush Administration remains to be
firmly established. What is crystal clear, however, is that
this war is not a "campaign against international terrorism"
as claimed by The Bush administration. It is a war of
conquest with devastating consequences for the future of


"Are you less than satisfied with the official explanations
about 9/11?" asks Robert Lederman, columnist for the
Greenwich Village Gazette and other papers, in the most
comprehensive overview of the September 11 attacks that I
have seen (footnote 8).

Lederman, who is also president of A.R.T.I.S.T. (Artists'
Response To Illegal State Tactics), provides evidence in
support of "nine for the moment relatively unpopular but
nevertheless compelling ideas to consider about the attack".
He comments, "Americans who tend to believe in any or all
them are in the minority right now. Perhaps they won't be in
the near future."

The nine ideas, with connecting links to URLs, are:

1.   This new war is not a conflict between Islamic
fundamentalism and American freedom.

2.   The destruction of the WTC was anticipated, and might
have been preventable.

3.   The Rockefeller connection may be the key to unlocking
an understanding of this entire issue. Why has their
connection to the WTC been omitted from 99.999% of the media
coverage about 9/11?

4.   Anthrax may not be getting sent to the media and to
Congress by terrorists.

5.   This conflict is about oil not terrorism, Israel or

6.   Are we bombing the wrong country?

7.   Bush is not doing a good job of protecting America. It
would be far more accurate to say he's doing a good job of
destroying it.

8.   There is an occult aspect to the attacks which cannot
be ignored or attributed to coincidence.

9.   NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani did not unify New York City,
but has done everything in his power to destroy the
electoral process and guarantee future social chaos.

"Every one of these ideas has voluminous documentation which
can be found in the mainstream media, on the net or in
reputable books if one looks for it," writes Lederman. He
goes on to give selected references "from which you can
learn more". And comments, "While to some it may seem
unpatriotic to question the government's actions at this
time of crisis let us remember that the original purpose of
free speech was to enable Americans to ask exactly these
kind of unpopular questions of our elected leaders. Real
unity cannot be based on deceiving the American people."

-- Once again, I wish to thank Jean Hudon who is responsible
for the 2,000 strong Earth Rainbow Network list, as also
media analyst Robert Rodvick, David Weston, Dick Eastman and
Frans Ytterhoeven, for forwarding the e-mails from which I
have pieced together this E-letter. To be on their lists,
e-mail them at the addresses in footnote 9.

In What Matters-26, which is almost completed, I provide a
miscellany of alternative news items that underscore the
need for something akin to Ghandi 's Satyagraha
truth-bearing movement and Martin Luther King's civil rights
movement, to liberate the world from the corporate
capitalist money beast.

After WM-26, I will be posting excellent monetary overview
articles by Margaret Legum and J. Walter Plinge.

In friendship,

Boudewijn Wegerif, What Matters Programme Folkhogskola



2.    http://www.eyesonamerica.org/200110/10110101.html


4.    http://ennes.org

5.     "Body of Secrets," by James Bamford  (Doubleday,
2001), and URLs,

6.    http://www.copycia.com

7.    http://globalresearch.ca/articles/CHO111A.html

8.    http://baltech.org/lederman/9-11-unpopular.html#point2

9.    Jean Hudon  <•••@••.•••>  Robert
Rodvik <•••@••.•••>   David Weston 
<•••@••.•••>   Dick Eastman
•••@••.•••   Frans Ytterhoeven 
<•••@••.••• >
** The What Matters Programme is an initiative by Boudewijn
Wegerif, to spread information about what is happening in
the world today, and how things could be, given a schooling
at all levels to free the self and the world from debt/guilt
oppression and money madness - a schooling for love. The
trustees of the What Matters Programme are the collegiate of
Folkhögskola Vårdinge By, an adult education residential
college south of Stockholm.

You can read WHAT MATTERS E-letters 1-24 at the WHAT MATTERS
web site -

To subscribe to the WHAT MATTERS E-letters:

Boudewijn Wegerif,
Torsberget, 669 92, Deje Sweden.
Tel: +46.552.21112

Johanna Heckscher,
FHSK Vardingeby, 150 21 Molnbo, Sweden.

Richard K Moore
Wexford, Ireland
Citizens for a Democratic Renaissance 
email: •••@••.••• 
website & list archives: http://cyberjournal.org
content-searchable archive: http://members.xoom.com/centrexnews/

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