What Now?


Richard Moore

From: •••@••.•••
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Date: Sat, 24 Nov 2001 01:58:48 EST
Subject: What Now?
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Excellent excerpt from Will Thomas's new book .... RonN

 24 November 2001,
Excerpt: ALL FALL DOWN: 
The Politics of Terror and Mass Persuasion
by William Thomas

"Nothing would be what it is. Because everything would be
what it isn't. And contrary-wise -what it is, it wouldn't
be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?' - Alice in
Wonderland WHAT NOW? by William Thomas

Rightly or wrongly, Alice had it right. Or, as that great
Yogi named Berra once said, "When you come to a fork in the
road, take it." Confuse people long enough (about 25 seconds
for the average TV viewer) - and they will click channels,
tune into less arduous distractions, and reset their brains
to "snooz" control.

It's a time-tested formula. Everyone who runs a scam for
personal, political or financial gain relies on their
audience's fractured attention to get away with story lines
that seem absolutely compelling in the heat of some
manufactured moment - but collapse into complete nonsense if
we run the tape back and view it frame-by-frame.

Take the events Sept. 11, 2001. Absolutely riveting video,
relentlessly repeated. Authoritative news anchors looking
dazed and grim, throwing out official statements like
lifelines to millions of dazed and desperate viewers
drowning in shock and disorientation.

It couldn't be real, but it had to be true.

* * *

So we bought it. Or most of it anyway. We didn't ask why
intelligence agencies who couldn't catch a whiff of the most
complex "hit" since the i nvasion of Normandy knew the names
of 19 cremated hijackers and their renal-challenged
ringleader within 48 hours of attacks that killed 50,000, no
25,000, no 6,000, no 2,500 people..

We didn't ask how frightened young men who couldn't fly
Cessnas could navigate and steer heavy jets into their
targets. Or why none of their names turned up on the
passenger lists of the four airplanes they were supposed to
have commandeered. (Total number of Middle Easterners among
257 passengers and crew: zero.)

We didn't ask what the United and American pilots (three of
them military veterans) were doing while men armed with
quarter-inch knives demanded death to fellow Americans, why
their cockpit conversations were never released, why eight
indestructible "black boxes" holding the keys to so many
questions were rendered "inoperable" while hijackers' paper
passports escaped explosions and fire unscathed.

We didn't ask why a plane supposedly driven by its
passengers into two separate crash sites in the Pennsylvania
countryside came apart in mid-air. Or why the president of
the United States remained more interested in the story of a
pet goat than reports of airliners crashing into Manhattan
skyscrapers and the Pentagon.

We didn't ask why U.S. forces were poised to attack across
the Tajikistan border into Afghanistan in an assault
announced last June - but could not scramble a single
fighter to defend the U.S. capitol before three airliners
hit their targets on a sunny morning in September.

We didn't ask why the CIA met with an ailing Osama bin Laden
in an American hospital as the biggest British battle fleet
since the Falklands sailed for waters off Afghanistan, why
Washington gave the Taliban $43 millions in May, or why the
FBI and Attorney General of the United States repeatedly
ignored warnings and blocked investigations into the
impending attacks.

We didn't ask what the CIA was doing in the upper echelons
of Big Banks that profited hugely from "short-selling"
United and American Airlines stocks in the final days before
someone dialed 9.11

We didn't ask why the head of the WTC arson investigation
told reporters there were "explosive devices" in the
building, why so few survivors were burned, or why New York
firefighters were dragged away from Ground Zero just when
the site was becoming safe and they were getting close to
the bottom of things.

* * *

We did not ask because we were not told what had really
happened. Like good Germans in Hitler's heyday, we looked
the other way when more than 1,100 not-quite-white people
bearing Middle Eastern names were thrown into U.S. prisons,
interrogated, abused, held without notifying their families
or lawyers - without ever being charged with terrorist acts.
We were sure it couldn't happen to us.

Anthrax held us enthralled. Instead of asking what a
weaponized" strain of a decades old "Made In The USA"
bacteria was doing in silent letter bombs, we clamored for
risky antidotes and even more dangerous vaccines without
stopping to consider that anthrax is not contagious, easily
treated, rarely fatal - and that bee stings pose a far more
serious threat to most Americans. Like frightened Germans
after the Reichstag fire, we demanded that authorities "do
something". They did. A Constitution generations of
Americans had given their lives to defend was suspended.
Laws were quickly passed permitting surveillance, assets
seizure, arrest and detention of suspects" - without formal
charges or judicial oversight.

Evidence will be sealed. Special tribunals will hear these
cases. Forcible quarantine and inoculations are next.

A president who told Americans the day he "took" office -
"If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot
easier, just so long as I'm the dictator" - appointed
himself supreme ruler of a his new Supreme National Security
Council. A hundred thousand troops were called up for
"internal security". And we said thank God, not realizing
that soon perhaps we could be busted for that, too.

* * *

Everyone knows the score by now.

FEMA is only for hurricanes, the Florida recount can wait,
Timothy McVeigh blew up a big building with the same sort of
fertilizer used to cover up his cohorts, Osama bin Laden is
an ungrateful madman just like Saddam and Noriega and all
the other thugs we've hugged, Bush's "War on Drugs" is just
as urgent and honest as his "War on Terrorism". And kids as
precious as our own being blown up in Afghanistan should
just get out of the way.

We have to get bin Laden. Or maybe we don't. It's no longer
clear. For sure, we have to topple the Taliban. What they're
doing to women must be stopped. But now our leaders say
maybe it would be okay if they rule the southern half of the
country and let us take the rest where the pipelines have to
go through.

Pakistan is our ally. They are sending troops to fight on
the side of the Taliban. They have nukes. The general who
heads their intelligence service sent $100,000 to a fanatic
the FBI says led the suicide planes against Manhattan. But
it's okay now. The FBI complained and the general has

* * *

Already the vultures are gathering.

On Oct. 10, 2001 U.S. Ambassador Wendy Chamberlain called on
the Pakistani oil minister to get moving on the stalled
Unocal pipeline from Turkmenistan across Afghanistan to a
Pakistani port. Selling oil and gas to China is back on the
table she says, "in view of recent geopolitical
developments." In the context of appeasing China,
Chamberlain is an interesting name.

In the context of Sept. 11, China's ascension to the WTO
before the WTC's dust had settled seemed almost scripted.
Like some kind of quid pro quo - you give us oil and a seat
on the organization divvying up the world, we do something
for you.

What could that be? At least 15,000 Chinese Muslim troops
have been sent to the defense of the Taliban.

Some people think President Bush II's second modern
"crusade" is a contest between Allah and Christ. They are
dangerously wrong. This war is being fought to reinstate the
real "god" - gold, oil and drugs.

You and I can switch to bicycles or electric cars. But
militaries cannot convert to battery-operated battleships or
B-52s. The hi-tech allied armed forces needed to keep a lid
on people being ripped off - which includes just about
everyone on the planet - is running out of oil. The world's
biggest remaining oil reserves are in the Caspian basin. A
20- billion barrel transfusion must begin flowing through
48-inch arteries just as soon as they can be laid across
Afghanistan - and injected into the industrialized veins of
increasingly desperate oil addicts.

Forget global warming, catastrophic climate change, the
oppressed women of Afghanistan, the starving millions
shivering with the onset of winter, and millions more
moderate Muslims who are beginning to believe that Osama bin
Laden is right. We're talking serious money here: $3 to $5
trillion worth of oil and natural gas, and hundreds of
billions more in that other addiction supplied by a country
called Afghanistan.

An American administration intimately linked to the
international drug trade and the banks that launder its
dirty money has been beside itself since the Taliban
declared poppy-growing against Shariah Islamic law. Maybe
the mullahs were miffed at the CIA for cranking up
Afghanistan's heroin production to finance Osama bin Laden.

Their decree was issued 19 months ago. The fields are
fallow; 60% of U.S. heroin imports have been shut off.
Junkies are having withdrawals almost as bad as the White
House, where some $250 billion a year in illicit drug money
waters Wall Street, Big Banks, and various Bushes.

On the scale of national budgets, the only usable amounts of
cash are in the drug trade. Everything else is a digital
dream. If the drugs stop flowing, the world economy will
instantly collapse.

The "shadow" administration hopes Columbia can pick up the
slack. But a few dedicated drug enforcement officials
haven't gotten the word. They keep cracking down on drug
lords like Lehder linked to people with names like Cheney
and Bush.

All the details are in the lawsuits brought by a former
Green Beret, a Contra drugs-for-arms dealer and smugglers
gone straight.

But the media ignores the news.

* * *

It's imperative that the Taliban get turfed and fresh
poppies planted. Don't get confused. These aren't the
poppies for Remembrance Day. Though in a way they are.
Americans have been conned into wars for oil and drug
profits beyond their knowledge or imagination since the U.S.
Navy tracked the Japanese carriers steaming toward Pearl
Harbor, the Maddox fought phantom Viet Cong gunboats in the
Gulf of Tonkin, and Iraqi soldiers ignored the incubator
babies in Kuwait.

The documentation is voluminous. Much it comes from
government sources. Does anyone really believe the
puppeteers behind the Sept. 11 attackers do not have a
similar agenda? You decide. Search the I nternet. Check the
references in the back of this book. Cultivate independent
news sources. Evaluate. Read the evidence presented in All
Fall Down: The Politics of Terror and Mass Persuasion. See
if it resonates.

Ask yourself: "Who benefits? Who gains?"

Well," says David Icke, "The Illuminati want a world
government and army, a world currency and centralized global
financial dictatorship and control. They want micro-chipped
people and a society based on constant surveillance of all
kinds at all times. And they want a frightened, docile,
subservient, people who give their power away to the
authorities" who can save them from what they have been
manipulated to fear."

That pretty well nails it down.

* * *

Ted Rall has traveled extensively through Central Asia. His
cartoons are savagely astute. So is his analysis. Rall
writes that the Sept. 11 attacks have provided Washington
with "the perfect excuse to do what the U.S. has wanted all
along - invade Afghanistan and install a puppet pipeline
regime in Kabul."

Amend that to: "puppet poppy pipeline regime."

Michael Ruppert is a former LAPD investigator. He has
submitted written testimony to the Senate Committee on
Intelligence. After investigating the events leading up to
Sept. 11, Ruppert responds, "I absolutely believe, at this
moment, that the United States government had foreknowledge
of the attacks and allowed them to occur."

Dr. Len Horowitz, the man who wrote the books on
Washington's complicity in a cull, says of Sept. 11: "There
is a conspiracy within our own government - a conspiracy of
silence at minimum."

After two solid months on this case, after evaluating
gigabytes of corroborative information, after presenting the
patterns formed by that evidence in this book, All Fall Down
- I fully concur. There can be zero doubt that the attacks
of Sept. 11 were foreseen and facilitated by agents and
agencies within the United States government.

I did not say, "initiated". I have no evidence of that yet.
But in any courtroom worthy of that name, accomplices to
mass murder are no different from those who pull the
triggers. Or fly the suicide planes.

* * *

So what to do?

In a media-branded "terrorist" camp in the British Columbia
interior, where armed native warriors were preparing to
defend their Shaman and their land against heavily armed
tactical police, their leader pointed to the campfire we
were sitting around and told me that he welcomed a massacre
that would spark an uprising across Canada.

Wolverine knew that provoking a heavy-handed response to one
small band occupying ancestral lands would "scatter the
embers" among the far-flung dry tinder of long-held
resentments and rage.

Osama bin Laden knows this too. The Iraqis, Jordanians and
Saudis I met during the Gulf War were businessmen troubled
by American terror from the skies. They come from a tribal
people with long memories. Even the more moderate Koran they
follow teaches the absolute obligation of the faithful to
avenge the killing of innocents - unless acceptable
reparations and apologies are made.

Killing one million Iraqis - mostly children under the age
of 15 - through bombings, radiations and epidemic-sparking
sanctionsŠthen bombing people with the lowest per-person
calorie intake in the world and killing millions more in the
coming cold of a mountain winterŠis not a wise policy for
anyone this side of such a vast gulf in history and
perception. Not if we want to keep opening letters, boarding
airliners and working in tall buildings.

We certainly want to reduce the level of terror, certainly
not escalate it," Noam Chomsky told a San Francisco peace
rally. "There is one easy way to do that and therefore it is
never discussed. Namely stop participating in it. That would
automatically reduce the level of terror enormously." What

Beyond that, we should rethink the kinds of policies, and
Afghanistan is not the only one, in which we organize and
train terrorist armies. Rethink the policies that are
creating a reservoir of support," Chomsky adds. Want to stop
terrorism dead in its tracks? Stop looking the other way.
Stop arming people with heavy grievances and their own
agendas. Take out the training camps, from Fort Benning,
Georgia to the Beka'a Valley. Give angry, hungry kids in
refugee camps a home, a homeland, an education, a stake in a
worthwhile future. Give them respect.

Listen to what they are saying. Before they feel driven to
say it with 30-pounds of explosives strapped to their
chests. The biggest thing I learned before bullets started
flying at Gustafsen Lake is that people with grievances just
want to be heard.

* * *

Bill Moyers has another startling suggestion. Reduce our
need for oil. In a keynote address to the Environmental
Grantmakers Association on October 16, 2001 Moyers asked,
"Do we want to send the terrorists a message? Go for
conservation. Go for clean, home-grown energy."

He said, "As for national security, well, it's time to
expose the energy plan before Congress for the dinosaur it
is. Everyone knows America needs to reduce our reliance on
fossil fuel. But this energy plan is more of the same: more
subsidies for the rich, more pollution, more waste, more
inefficiency... America's unchecked consumption of oil has
become our Achilles heel. It leaves our economy dangerously
vulnerable to price shocks. It invites environmental
degradation, ecological disasters, and potentially
catastrophic climate change." He's right.

* * *

Feeling used, enslaved, scammed, betrayed, lied to, burned
out, bummed out. manipulated, screwed over, mind controlled,
emotionally blackmailed, tantalized, toyed with, jerked
around, ripped off, threatened, harassed, patronized,
exhorted, extorted, attacked by powerful interests who keep
telling you it's all "for your own good" and that there is
no such thing as conspiracy at high and hidden levels?

Take heart! In September, 2001 more than 50 million North
Americans accessed the Internet from their homes. An online
community of real flesh and blood brothers and sisters is
coming together very quickly now. Nothing is hidden, all is
being rapidly revealed. Despite the complacent complicity of
media mesmerizers, the first mass-marketed war to come up
against the worldwide web is being undone by hundreds of
millions of people bypassing its contradictions and
coercions to share solidarity and insights on the net. From
North, South, East and West people of all persuasions are
coming together in a rapidly coalescing consciousness. Each
new participant brings another vital piece of personal
perspective that is already forming a new world view that is
inclusive, respectful, compassionate and celebratory of its
differences and diversity. We can turn this around.

We've all been traumatized. We're all mad as New Yorkers.
And we're smarter and more generous than our fear and anger.
People know what's going on. Even those who don't have
access to alternative information sense that there is much
more to motives and events than they are being told. By the
grace of a wired world and the spirit within us all, we are
joining together to pull the plug on cynical profiteers
whose only god" is the payouts they receive in gold, oil and
drugs. Here are some things we can do: Remember the

Unplug all brainwashing broadcast machines within eye and
earshot. If someone tries to sell you a box of bombs and
flags. Just say, "Forget it. I'm not buying until I read the
label." Buy only necessities.

Do not sign up, do not subscribe, do not join the party
line. It leads to a gulag. Then over a cliff. Do not look
down. Try spreading your wings instead. Move always toward
the light.

Call home immediately. Remember that prayer is more powerful
than any weapon or ill intention every devised. Listen to
each other's stories. There is more wisdom in personal
experience than any agenda-serving "analysis".

Hug someone you care about right now Whenever you feel love
and gratitude, express it out loud. Do this often. The whole
universe hears you. Every creature who benefits will bless
you for your gift. Resist much. Obey little. Think for
yourself. When they come with retina scans, wear contacts
inscribed with your favorite slogan.


We must depart the script prepared for us. Reality is
consensual. We can all change our minds. If we stand
together in the face of tyranny, if we laugh at fear and
choose to walk away from this scam - it all falls down. Then
we can build a saner, more compassionate, more joyful world

-William Thomas

All statements excerpted from Chapter 9 above are fully
described and documented in:
ALL FALL DOWN: The Politics of Terror and Mass Persuasion by
William Thomas 225 p. $30 inc.shipping free electronic
updates, please include an email address

Will Thomas 
Heron Rocks 1-9 
Hornby Is. BC Canada V0R1Z0 
Lifeboat News / William Thomas 

Richard K Moore
Wexford, Ireland
Citizens for a Democratic Renaissance 
email: •••@••.••• 
website & list archives: http://cyberjournal.org
content-searchable archive: http://members.xoom.com/centrexnews/

    "A Guidebook: How the world works and how we can change it"

    A community will evolve only when
    the people control their means of communication.
            -- Frantz Fanon

    Capitalism is the relentless accumulation of capital for the
    acquisition of profit.  Capitalism is a carnivore.  It
    cannot be made over into a herbivore without gutting it,
    i.e., abolishing it.
    - Warren Wagar,  Professor of History, State University 
      of New York at Binghamton

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