-------------------------------------------------------- From: "Chris Shaw" To: •••@••.••• Subject: RE: More media indicators of coup... Date: Thu, 27 May 2004 08:47:37 -0700 Hard to be sure, overall, but I have some ardent Bush/war supporters in my extended family in Ohio. They still seem to support the insanity, but have drifted over into mysticism in their approach, sort of a Crusader mentality that you wrote about earlier. They have taken to sending out imaginary passages from the Koran that purport to justify the American invasion. It's all a bit weird and sort of disturbing. Christopher A. Shaw, Ph.D Associate Professor Research Pavilion Vancouver, British Columbia --------------------- Dear Chris, Thanks for the research. I wonder how typical that attitude is? What seems to be going on there is a fierce denial impelled by a deep commitment to what we might call the Bush Cult. After Clinton and Monica, Bush is viewed by fundamentalists generally as a savior and hero. Through him they feel empowered against what they perceive as the liberal media and the liberal attack on American values. He tells them what they want to hear as effectively as Hitler told the Nazis what they wanted to hear, appealing similarly to atavistic sentiments. Bush lacks the Fuhrer's eloquence, but his lack of intellectualism and political correctness are seen as major virtues, and provide anchors for leader-identification. All of those Operation Mind Control experiments with cults have been paying off. If Bush were to be brought down by what is perceived to be a liberal coup, that would lead to a very divisive aftermath, and perhaps a counter-reaction. Col. Donn de Grand-Pre emphasized explicitly that military tribunals will be the main stage show, and I believe that reflects sensitivity to this potential divisiveness. Distinguished veteran generals will be able to project a very respectable conservatism, and will succeed as cult deprogrammers hugely better than any sanctimonious Senate committee ever could. If the tribunals emphasize a return to respect for the Bill of Rights, from a conservative position, then the whole affair could be immensely healing for the nation. What it might mean for foreign policy is a more problematic to anticipate. all the best, rkm -------------------------------------------------------- From: Tony To: •••@••.••• Subject: Re: More media indicators of coup... Date: Thu, 27 May 2004 18:23:57 +0100 Dear Richard, I see that the retired generals Hoar and Zinni have both been on major UK news programmes in the last week. Last night Zinni didn't argue when the interviewer (Paxman on BBC2's 'Newsnight') put it to him that 'Rumsfeld would have to go'. It is interesting that even Conservative leader Michael Howard is publicly stating that Blair should distance himself from Bush, and it appears this week that Blair HAS shown some difference with Bush over the "handover" on 30th June. Are the rats lining up to jump the sinking ship? Will the public obligingly fall into line behind the next lot of leaders, or will they begin to think 'hang on a minute.... where's the democracy? The emperor is naked, his pants is down, his arse is in the air, and he's shitting on main street.' Tony Cork. ------- Hi Tony, I saw Blair last night on BBC. As usual, he's trying to be on both sides of the fence at once. He and Bush are quite a pair. Each is abysmal at trying to hide their lies, each does nothing but lie, but their styles are at opposite ends of the spectrum. The odd couple. I saw a little pastiche spoof on BBC a while back where the split screen video showed Bush and Blair facing one another, and the soundtrack was a love song, with Blair wooing Bush. It was downloaded off the net. That "hand over" has got to be one of the biggest jokes of all time. Who's kidding whom? It's very reminiscent of the various failed attempts at "Vietnamization". As then, the logic revolves around the fantasy that Uncle Sam is in the role of liberator. And as then, the pretense is for public consumption only. Except this time the emperor's clothes are not fooling enough people to carry the day. The rats are indeed leaving the ship, and Chalabi is the convenient chain to the wharf. I think the public will go along with the coup, if I've understood correctly what the coup will be like. The crimes that will be exposed will scare the bejeesis out of everyone (eg, 9/11), and the tribunal will be welcomed in the same way the British sailor is welcomed at the end of "Lord of the Flies". If I recall, that savior appeared just as divisiveness was reaching a climax. (Quite a few parallels there.) I don't think people in general are anywhere near ready to think in terms of "leaders are bad" or "democracy is a farce". Nearly everyone, including progressive intellectuals, believes that reforming our electoral systems is a good thing. And nearly everyone, for some reason or another, yearns for beneficent leadership. Civilization has infantalized us, and the most advanced populations are the most infantile. The State has become deeply identified with Daddy, and we whine for our share and our rights, like puppies. cheers, rkm -------------------------------------------------------- Delivered-To: •••@••.••• From: G Date: Thu, 27 May 2004 10:38:27 EDT Subject: Re: More media indicators of coup... To: •••@••.••• rkm > Here in Ireland it's difficult to judge American public opinion. Has anyone noticed any shifts among ardent Bush supporters? cheers, If I was you stay were you are Alas, since a year stupid FoxNews not available in Holland but Ireland still has it because if you want to know the USA conventional feeling it's enough to follow them If these hystericals change then Bush is lost ! ----------------- G, They do seem to be changing, and I do believe I'll be staying here. But I must also visit the belly of the beast periodically. thanks, rkm -------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 27 May 2004 12:19:29 -0500 Subject: Re: More media indicators of coup... From: Frank To: <•••@••.•••> Richard, The following was just forwarded to me. I don't think "the long hard slog" scenario would capture popular support, but another massive "attack" might get this passed. It is also not my suggestion that we "contact our representatives" because they don't care! On another note, on May 5th I was arrested in Platteville, WI along Bush's motorcade route for holding up a sign that read: FUGW. I was handcuffed, finger printed, photographed and ticketed for disorderly conduct. Yesterday, the city attorney woke up to the fact that he had an unprosecutable case, and moved to dismiss. This is just to give you a sense of the authoritarianism that's creeping through the land. Ugly times ahead. Frank Van den Bosch ---<fwd>--- Subject: The Draft will Start in June 2005 - Pending Draft Legislation Targeted for Spring 2005 http://www.congress.org/congressorg/issues/alert/?alertid=5834001&content_dir=ua_congressorg ---<snip>--- ---------------------- Dear Frank, Obviously if there is a coup that will cause a re-evaluation of any draft initiative. If the coupsters are going to curtail the PNAC agenda, then one might expect to see no need for a draft. On the other hand, even if they drop the bigger PNAC objectives, they might still want to increase troop levels in Iraq and Afghanistan to high enough levels to enable them to establish some kind of civil order. That would be the old-fashioned expensive colonial approach, and it might require a draft. The draft could be a bellwether issue as regards the thrust of the new agenda. thanks for your comments, rkm ----------------------