-------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 10 Aug 2004 11:08:59 -0400 To: •••@••.••• From: Rosa Zubizarreta Subject: Re: GLOBAL TRANSFORMATION: Harmonization in the microcosm Richard, congratulations....this is absolutely BRILLIANT...clear, well-articulated, VERY helpful tool for outreach and educational purposes... i am DELIGHTED to see your powerful analytical and communication skills being applied so skillfully to this subject, which we we both hold as one of the most crucial areas of need for our well-being as a species... good meetings can indeed change the world! :-) with all best wishes, Rosa ------- Dear Rosa, Thanks Rosa, I especially value your opinion on this material. You've been my tutor on harmonization and I'm glad you find the presentation effective. best regards, rkm -------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2004 15:40:44 +0530 (India Standard Time) From: J Krishnayya Subject: Re: GLOBAL TRANSFORMATION: Harmonization in the microcosm To: •••@••.••• dear "Cj" What a marvellous introduction to "Harmonisation". Obviously OB people and meeting "facilitators" have always known this, but Richard Moore has presented it very limpidly. Thank you! I am really looking forward to the next chapter! Sincerely, J G Krishnayya Executive Director, Systems Research Institute •••@••.••• •••@••.••• ------------------ Dear JG, Thanks for your comments. Looking forward to your response to the subsequent chapters. cheers, rkm -------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 20 Aug 2004 21:31:40 -0700 To: •••@••.••• From: Tom Atlee <•••@••.•••> Subject: DF article in meditation mount journal Your article on got reprinted in an online journal that has a number of major new age politics people involved with it (notably CII Assoicates Corrinne McLaughlin and Gordon Davidson). http://www.meditation.com/newsletter/columns.htm --------------------------- Dear Tom, Many thanks for republishing the harmonization material on your co-intelligence list. I hope you remember next time to include my email address and website! I like people to be able to send me comments. The online journal is very nicely put together. My sun sign is Virgo, and the journal says: The Meditation Theme for Virgo is: What is our share of the building of a new society? What is our task? keep on truckin', rkm -------------------------------------------------------- From: Tony O'Reilly To: •••@••.••• Subject: Re: GLOBAL TRANSFORMATION: Date: Thu, 19 Aug 2004 19:23:47 +0100 Hi Richard, I loved the latest chapter ... it is inspiring. Only a few chapters left!!! Go for it! I think the book is parcelling up so much of your hard work of the last decade. It's so enjoyable and almost moving to see that. I can't encourage you enough to rock on and get to THE END.... All the best from Cork, Tony ------- Tony, Thanks for your ongoing encouragement! warm regards, rkm -------------------------------------------------------- From: Diana Date: Thu, 19 Aug 2004 18:46:21 EDT Subject: Re: GLOBAL TRANSFORMATION: Harmonization as a cultural movement To: •••@••.••• Dear Richard, It is encouraging to read your words today. Are you really in Ireland? I write from a suburb of Chicago, IL. For people in the United States, there is a legal step I think is necessary to undo a terrible mistake which happened in 1886. If you are interested in reading, the book Unequal Protection (the Theft of Human Rights) by Thom Hartmann (2002) explains in excruciating detail how corporations illegally were granted personhood and the protections of the US Constitution's 14th Amendment (equal protection under the law designed for former slaves). Artificial personhood granted to corporations, which never die, has allowed them to procure enormous wealth and power; to this point they own the US political landscape. If the US citizens would band together and sue, in a class-action lawsuit, to declare personhood to natural living persons as originally provided, expanding personhood also to homosexual persons and women, in my view would be thrilling for me personally to behold. Regards, Diana --------- Dear Diana, I know what you mean about corporate personhood. It's a pillar of corporate power--and if we could knock down that pillar, perhaps corporate power would come tumbling down with it. However, there are three major problems with this line of thinking. The first is that it confuses cause with effect. Corporations already owned the political landscape in 1886, and that is why Southern Pacific was able to get the Supreme Court to endorse personhood--a Constitutional betrayal similar to the Supreme Court giving the presidency to GW Bush. If we want to uproot corporate power, we must look back much further than 1886 in order to find the roots. The second problem with the line of thinking is that it does not make sense from a systems perspective. Our economic system depends on corporate growth in order to operate, and the system cannot be repaired by stifling growth. You cannot expect a car to transport you if you refuse to put fuel in it. If we want to get rid of automobile blight, then we need to create a whole new context of transport. If we want to get rid of the evils of our economic system, then we need to create a whole new economics. Sabotaging capitalism does not help us get there. The third problem with the line of thinking is that it underestimates the difficulty of the task. Because corporate personhood sounds like a 'single issue', you are thinking that it might be feasible for a popular movement (via lawsuit) to successfully engage that issue. The fact is however, that the regime would resist such an 'isolated' reform with the same energy they would deploy against an assault on capitalism itself. They understand the importance of that pillar as well as we do. Neoliberalism, and the Reagan Revolution, can be summed up in the phrase, "No more reforms!". Indeed, part of the Orwellian neoliberal project has been to redefine 'reform' to mean the undoing of reforms. If we want to make any changes at all in the system, then we can only do so by changing the system entirely. There is no smaller useful objective that would be any easier to achieve. As a matter of fact, there is no smaller useful objective. best regards, rkm http://cyberjournal.org --------------------------------------------------------