-------------------------------------------------------- From: "Brian Hill" <•••@••.•••> To: "TOES" <•••@••.•••> Subject: breaking media silence re-9/11 - finally! Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2005 08:29:37 -0700 C-Span To Cover 911 Truth Talk At UW-Madison Monday By Kevin Barrett 4-16-5 C-Span will challenge the official version of the 9/11 "terrorist attacks" with a nationwide delayed broadcast of a talk by David Ray Griffin at U.W.-Madison Monday 4/18/05, 7:30 p.m., in 272 Bascom Hall. The public is invited to attend, and admission is free. The nationwide news network C-span has broken the blackout on the 9/11 truth movement, raising hopes that other media outlets will follow, by deciding to broadcast a lecture by David Ray Griffin in Madison Monday night. An acclaimed philosopher-theologian and author of the 9/11 truth blockbusters The New Pearl Harbor and The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions, Dr. Griffin will be making a rare public appearance at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Monday night, April 18th. at 7:30 p.m. in 272 Bascom Hall. His brand-new talk, entitled "9/11 and the American Empire: How Should Religious People Respond?" will focus on the ethical and spiritual dimension of facing the overwhelming evidence that the Administration was complicit in the attacks of September 11th, 2001. His Madison appearance celebrates founding of the new group MUJCA-NET: Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth: http://mujca.com/ Two related events will precede the Griffin talk: A discussion of David Griffin's 9/11 books will be held on Sunday, April 17th, 2-4 p.m.at Peregrine Forum, 616 S. Brearly St., Madison, WI (608) 442-4399; and a benefit dinner for the Griffin talk and MUJCA-NET will be held at Catacombs Coffee House, directly across from Memorial Library on the U.W.-Madison campus from 5 to 7 p.m. on Monday 4/18 HTTP://WWW.CSPAN.ORG http://milwaukee.indymedia.org/en/2005/04/203182.shtml Details http://madison.indymedia.org/newswire/display/23292/index.php http://milwaukee.indymedia.org/en/2005/04/203182.shtml David Ray Griffin is one of the foremost investigators into the events of 9-11. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1566565847/ -- ============================================================ If you find this material useful, you might want to check out our website (http://cyberjournal.org) or try out our low-traffic, moderated email list by sending a message to: •••@••.••• You are encouraged to forward any material from the lists or the website, provided it is for non-commercial use and you include the source and this disclaimer. Richard Moore (rkm) Wexford, Ireland "Escaping The Matrix - Global Transformation: WHY WE NEED IT, AND HOW WE CAN ACHIEVE IT ", somewhat current draft: http://www.ratical.org/co-globalize/rkmGlblTrans.html _____________________________ "...the Patriot Act followed 9-11 as smoothly as the suspension of the Weimar constitution followed the Reichstag fire." - Srdja Trifkovic There is not a problem with the system. The system is the problem. Faith in ourselves - not gods, ideologies, leaders, or programs. _____________________________ cj list archives: http://cyberjournal.org/cj/show_archives/?lists=cj newslog list archives: http://cyberjournal.org/cj/show_archives/?lists=newslog _____________________________ Informative links: http://www.indymedia.org/ http://www.globalresearch.ca/ http://www.MiddleEast.org http://www.rachel.org http://www.truthout.org http://www.williambowles.info/monthly_index/ http://www.zmag.org http://www.co-intelligence.org ============================================================