

Olivier Hoedeman

Dear Richard K. Moore,

just to avoid further confusion, I am actually not the Olivier you met in
Geneva last week, I was back here in Amsterdam. The Olivier you mention in
your reports from the PGA actions is a great local organiser from a group
called Neoliberation; I met him in Geneva in February, but I actually don't
know his second name either.

The good thing about this misunderstanding is that I got to read your very
interesting evaluation of the actions during the WTO Ministerial
Conference. I agree with a lot of what you wrote. PGA is a very important
initiative for creating awareness about and opposition to corporate-led
globalisation. It would be very sad if the development of such resistance
was harmed by people using violence and thereby undermining the message and
moral strength of the movement. Also it would be no less than tragic if PGA
would really move into a doctrinary ideological niche and alienate an
overwhelming majority of its potential allies.

friendly greetings

Olivier Hoedeman

Corporate Europe Observatory

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